Online Resources for a Lifetime of Learning
Resources for Lesson 1: The Basics
Understanding the basic three rules for this course:
1. Eat mostly whole plant foods including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
2. Avoid or minimize highly processed foods such as sweets, cooking oils, and highly processed grains.
3. Moderate, minimize or eliminate animal products.
Here are resources for understanding why we chose these three rules. Some of the diets you will choose from will modify them somewhat, but they are basic to all the diets that have the greatest weight of scientific support.
Here is an article answering the question, what is the difference between a healthy, processed food and a highly processed food or a “food fragment?”
Dr. Michal Greger of NutritionFacts.org discusses the definition of ultra-processed foods and research into its dangers. 7 minutes.
A short article from National Public Radio gives a summary of Michael Pollan’s book, In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto. This book gives the rationale for our 3 rules of healthy eating upon which our self-reliance classes are based. You can also listen to Michael Pollen’s interview on National Public Radio at the same link. https://www.npr.org/2008/01/01/17725932/in-defense-of-food-author-offers-advice-for-health
Here's a popular hour-long talk by Michael Pollan discussing his book, In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-t-7lTw6mA
Here's an excerpt from Dr. David Katz and Mark Bittman’s short book, How to Eat. It also gives the basic wisdom upon which our course is founded, leaving room for many types of healthy diets. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fG9f90lwaap8X3d_5wfAZLUXpzqYjlqe/view
Here is a compelling 17-minute TEDx talk by Dr. David Katz outlining the dietary basics of this course and why they are important. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIGbucJC7Kk&t=29s
Basic diets with scientific support:
The diets we suggest that you consider are not short-term diets. They are designed for long-term lifestyle changes and delicious, healthy eating the whole family can enjoy. If you dive deeply into the controversies and comparisons between them, it can be overwhelming to choose from among them. But, they are all good diets … if they are high-quality versions of the diets mentioned and if they are followed faithfully. Some may be better for you than others, however, so please choose the one you feel will be best for you and your family long-term. Then, as you go through the other lessons, you may learn things that will point you in a different direction or prompt you to modify the diet you have chosen. Your experiences and tastes may also prompt you to make a switch, so it’s a good idea to learn a little about all of them. But don’t think you have to go through all the resources on all the diet types. Just do your best with the time you have available. You can always come back later and learn more.
To help you understand the range of good diets you can choose from, here is a sensible 15-minute video from Dr. Mike Evans at the University of Toronto. He gives a quick overview and definitions for some of the best diets.
Mediterranean Diet
The Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health is a strong proponent of this diet and provides links to many resources supporting this diet. If you love Mediterranean cuisine with many vegetables and fruits, you’ll love this diet. It has a good track record for people being able to stay on it long-term.
Here is a pantry list that will help you with the traffic light assignment.
Here’s a YouTube video that explains what you might think the Mediterranean Diet is and why you might be wrong. It explains the benefits and the TRUE guidelines of the diet for a healthy lifestyle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PdaG-6Veao
This diet was developed by the National Institute of Health. It ranks high for compliance because there is a lot of flexibility to it.
This article will help you with your traffic light assignment if you choose to follow the DASH diet.
Here’s a 30-minute YouTube video offering an overview of the DASH diet.
As you decide between a low-fat and a low-carb diet, you will meet the controversy between eating animal protein and plant protein. Here’s a short four-minute video from Dr. Michael Greger on nutritionfacts.org comparing the benefits of plant protein with animal protein.
Low-Fat Diet
Could also be vegan, vegetarian or whole-food plant-based
If you’re interested in following a low-fat diet you’ll need to weigh the pros and cons of both a low-fat and a low-carb diet.
This article gives you a quick overview of a basic Low-Fat Diet along with guidelines for completing your traffic light assignment.
Here’s a YouTube video talking about a study at Stanford University that showed that a high quality low-carb diet was equivalent to a high-quality low-fat diet. It’s worth listening to all four minutes to understand what is meant by “high quality.”
Low-Carb or Ketogenic (Keto) Diet
Here is an overview of the keto diet:
Here is an article describing the features and options for a low-carb diet:
This is a seven-minute video from Dr. David Unwin describing how he helps his patients understand and follow a low-carb or keto diet.
Here is another short description from Northwestern University describing the pros and cons of a keto diet:
This is a six-minute video discussing a well-respected research study comparing a high quality low-fat diet with a high quality low-carb diet.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTDm_pa0JSM \
Here is another four-minute discussion of the same study.
There are differences between a strict ketogenic diet and a basic low-carb diet. Here are a couple of videos that may help you distinguish the difference and decide how strict you want to be if you decide to try the low-carb route. The first is a nine-minute video:
Here’s an eight-minute video describing the difference between a basic low-carb diet and a more strict ketogenic diet:
Here is a nine-minute video discussing benefits and some of the cautions you need to be aware of if you are trying the keto diet.
Getting enough healthy plant foods on a ketogenic or low-carb diet may be a challenge for some. Here is a ten-minute video featuring some of the best vegetables to use in delicious recipes on this type of diet.
Low-Carb/Keto Spokespeople
There are many well-respected doctors who promote low-carb, paleo-like and ketogenic diets. When you search YouTube videos by the following doctors, you’ll find their reasons for promoting these diets and a lot of advice for how to follow them.
Gary Taubes, Mark Hyman, Robert Lustig, Ben Bickman, Tim Noakes, Eric Westman, David Ludwig, Terry Wahls, Bret Scher and Jason Fung.
Low-Carb/Keto Documentary
Here is an hour and forty-five minute documentary promoting the low fat/ketogenic diet category featuring Dr. Mark Hyman and many of the other doctors on the list above.
Here is another one-hour and thirty-minute documentary on the ketogenic/low-fat diet.
Vegan, Vegetarian and Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diets
Can be low-fat but not always
In this category of diets you’ll also find various levels of quality. In many ways these diets are the easiest to follow because there is no measuring, counting calories or portions. You simply don’t eat any animal products. If you include any meat or dairy ingredients, they are used only as a condiment or flavoring, and add only a few calories to a recipe.
This is a series of articles from Healthline describing this category of diets:
Here is another series of articles on this category of diets:
Here’s a classic fifteen-minute YouTube video of a TEDx talk by Dr. Michael Greger of NutritionFacts.org discussing the benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet.
Here’s a 4.5-minute YouTube video by Dr. Michael Greger showing the research supporting the whole-foods, plant-based diet. He especially addresses why insurance companies are not in favor of promoting this type of diet because it would cut into their income.
Here’s Dr. Greger’s explanation of his “Daily Dozen” recommendations for the groups of foods he tries to get daily on his whole-food, plant-based diet. It will help you with your traffic light assignment.
Here’s a seven and half-minute video by Dr. Michael Greger on eating a plant-strong diet by traffic light.
Here’s a short four and a half-minute YouTube video of a news interview with Michael Klaper where he gives a quick overview of the whole-food, plant-based diet.
Here’s a great half-hour from Dr. Neal Barnard on how to transition to a whole-food, -plant-based diet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E04WICTiL0o
Dr. Joel Fuhrman promotes a whole-food, plant-based diet high in nutritional excellence. He calls it a nutritarian diet. Here is his popular TEDx talk giving an overview of this diet and why it is so effective.
Whole-Food, Plant-Based, Plant-Strong, Vegan & Vegetarian Spokespeople
There are many well-respected doctors who promote plant-strong diets. When you search YouTube videos by typing in the names of the following doctors, you’ll find their reasons for promoting these diets and a lot of advice for how to follow them.
Michael Greger, Joel Fuhrman, Neal Barnard, Dean Ornish, Conrad Esselstyn, Colin Campbell, Michael Klaper, John McDougall, Garth Davis, Pamela Popper, Kim Williams, Gemma Newman, Will Bulsiewicz, Milton Mills, Brenda Davis, Cyrus Khambatta, Joel Kahn and William Li.
Whole-Food, Plant-Based Documentaries
The Game Changers is one of the most recent whole-food, plant-based documentaries (one hour twenty-five minutes) especially targeting athletes. It was released in 2019.
Eating You Alive is a one-hour-and-forty-eight-minute 2018 documentary focusing on the health benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet.
Forks over Knives is a one-hour-and-thirty-six-minute documentary introducing the whole-food, plant-based diet and its benefits. It was introduced in 2011 and discusses the discoveries of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, the author of The China Study and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.
Plant Pure Nation is an hour-and-forty-minute 2015 documentary on the journey of T. Colin Campbell and his son Thomas in expanding the understanding of a whole-food, plant-based, “plant pure” culture through grass-roots activism and political involvement. It shows the origin of what have become “plant-pure pods” with lots of support and training for anyone interested in trying a whole-food, plant-based diet and lifestyle.
Vegetarian Diet
Here is an overview of the rules and benefits of the vegetarian diet from the Mayo Clinic.
Here is a nine-minute YouTube video on the Vegetarian diet with a discussion of some of the supplements vegetarians and vegans may want to consider.
Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian Diet
There are many sub-types of vegetarian diets that promote mostly vegetarian foods but allow some animal products such as only fish, only dairy, only eggs, only chicken, etc. The most common is lacto-ovo vegetarian, the diet that allows dairy and eggs in a mostly vegetarian diet.
Here’s an article the ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet.
This link offers you a series of articles on the pescatarian diet, reasons to follow it, advantages and disadvantages, and lists to help you complete your traffic light assignment.
Here’s a short 10-minute video giving you an overview of the Pescatarian Diet.
Paleo Diet
Here is an article among many that describe the Paleo diet, its rule, its basics, its benefits, and its risks.
Here is a 23 minute documentary on the Paleo diet.
Pegan Diet
The “pegan” diet takes principles and rules from both the Paleo and the Vegan diet.
Here’s an article on the guidelines for a “pegan” diet. If you scroll down you’ll see articles about how the Pegan diet compares with the vegan, the paleo and the keto diets.
Dr. Mark Hyman coined the term “Pegan” as a cross between Paleo and Vegan. Here’s a 25-minute YouTube video about his “pegan” guidelines. It’s a summary of his book on the subject.
The Diet Wars
One of the challenges that could confuse you and get in the way of real dietary improvement is getting involved in the diet wars between the low-carb advocates and the vegan advocates. Both sides quote lots of studies and both sides accuse the other of being motivated by corporate greed. We suggest that you pick a side and try it out, because both sides advocate lots of whole-food, plant-based vegetables and skipping the highly processed foods. All these diets are far superior to the Standard American Diet consisting mainly of highly processed foods. Then, as you make your way through the course, you’ll fine tune your decision and make choices for yourself about eating animal products, saturated fats, grains, fiber and legumes. But if you want to get into the diet wars controversy and weigh the arguments for yourself, you are welcome to watch some of the battle in the following YouTube videos.
The Pro-Vegan/Vegetarian, Whole-Food, Plant-Based Arguments
This 30-minute video presents a lot of pros and cons in the vegan vs low-carb debate with the vegan winning the debate.
The Pro-Low-Carb, High-Fat Arguments
This is a hour and twenty-minute documentary that focuses mainly on the benefits of the high-fat, low-carb diet, criticizing the pro-high-carb, pro-low-fat and pro-vegan research and arguments.
Resource Index
Lesson 1: The Basics
Lesson 2: Faithful Action Leads to Healthy Digestion
Lesson 3: Your Amazing Immune System
Lesson 4: Respiratory Health
Lesson 5: Circulatory Health
Lesson 6: A Healthy Brain and Nervous System, Emotional and Mental Health
Lesson 7: Healthy Bones, Joints & Muscles
Lesson 8: Healthy Hormones
Lesson 9: Skin Care
Lesson 10: Weight Management
Resources for Lesson 2: Faithful Action Leads to Healthy Digestion
Overall Digestive Topics
Dr. Will Bulsiewicz is the author of a new book on many aspects of digestive health and fiber—Fiber Fueled: The Plant-Based Gut Health Program for Losing Weight, Restoring Your Health, and Optimizing Your Microbiome. This hour and twenty-minutes will give you an overview of recent research on digestive health, fiber, the microbiome and how to deal with the most common digestive issues. If you have specific digestive issues that he mentions, he has many other interviews and lectures posted on YouTube where he goes in greater depth on all aspects of digestive health. And, of course, his book is an excellent and thorough resource on digestive issues.
If the diet you chose was keto, low-carb, paleo or pegan, here’s a 3-minute video that discusses how to get enough fiber and healthy plant foods on these diets.
This 2020 MedicalNewsToday article will help you figure out how much fiber you already consume and how to get more for better digestive and overall health.
Here’s another article from the Cleveland Clinic that could help you with your goal to add sufficient fiber to your diet.
If you’re choosing a low-carb or keto diet, it may be especially hard to get adequate fiber for gut health. Here is a 2018 article that offers helpful guidelines.
This five minute and 20-second video by Dr. Brenda Davis is a quick summary of the many benefits of a variety of fibers from plants in the diet.
Here’s another 5-minute YouTube video from Dr. Michael Greger on the value of fiber for helping to prevent a number of diseases associated with inflammation.
Fiber and Weight Loss
Here’s a Healthline article on the benefits of eating more fiber to help with weight loss.
Gut Health and Your Microbiome
This is an article from Medical News Today on intestinal permeability or leaky gut syndrome.
Here is an article from Medical News Today on the effect of antibiotics on the microbiome and how to help restore gut health after taking antibiotics.
This 5-minute video reviews the importance of whole plant foods for a healthy gut and microbiome.
If you are needing a deeper dive into issues involving an unhealthy microbiome, here is a rather exhaustive two-hour lecture by Dr. Sunil Pai on many conditions involving an unhealthy microbiome in the digestive tract in the gut. It will help you navigate what you can do yourself and when and who you may need to turn to for professional help.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaFepuRlFWk&t=2854s ]
Here is a general article from Healthline on the topic of food allergies.
Here’s an 11-minute TEDex talk on the latest advice for preventing allergies. The first part discusses the prevalence and rise of food allergies. You can skip to the middle of the talk to get the advice.
Here’s a 1.5-minute video from NutritionFacts on the research into a plant-based diet for reducing the risk of allergies.
You can look inside Dr. Bulsiewicz’s book, Fiber Fueled: The Plant-Based Gut Health Program for Losing Weight, Restoring Your Health, and Optimizing Your Microbiome on Amazon here. And, you can pick up a copy online or at your local library.
Here’s another great book on the benefits of fiber that you may find in your bookstore or library.
Resources for Lesson 3: Your Amazing Immune System
This five-and-a-half minute YouTube video gives you a simple explanation of how the immune system works.
Here is another 5-minute video from TEDed on how the immune system works.
This overview article from MedicalNewsToday gives basic information about the lifestyle recommendations research shows will balance your immune system to protect you from cancers, infections and autoimmune diseases.
This short three-minute YouTube video by Dr. Michael Greger is a convincing introduction to the topic of nutrient density in various whole plant foods for promoting immune health.
This short four-minute YouTube video from Dr. Neal Barnard gives reasons for recommending a plant-strong diet for maintaining a healthy immunity.
In this 11-minute talk from Dr. Joel Fuhrman we learn about the nutritional excellence that creates what he calls “Super Immunity.”
Here is a 4.5-minute YouTube video featuring a short discussion on nutrition and autoimmune disease by Dr. Brooke Goldner. If you have more time, type her name into YouTube and hear her amazing story of overcoming Lupus.
Autoimmune Disease
Here’s a 3.5-minute news report on Dr. Brooke Goldner’s recommendations for preventing and curing autoimmune disease.
Here is a 55-minute video on preventing and treating autoimmune disease.
If you didn’t refer to these resources in the last lesson, here are some discussing allergies:
Here is a general article from Healthline on the topic of food allergies.
Here’s an 11-minute TEDex talk on the latest advice for preventing allergies. The first part discusses the prevalence and rise of food allergies. You can skip to the middle of the talk to get the advice.
Here’s a 1.5-minute video from NutritionFacts on the research into a plant-based diet for reducing the risk of allergies.
Nutrition for Cancer Prevention
Here’s an article from Harvard that gives suggestions for preventing cancer.
Here is a 20-minute video on using nutrition for starving cancer. Dr. William Li discusses the way foods can help prevent cancer through anti-angiogenesis.
Here is a 21-minutes video from NutritionFacts.com on preventing and treating cancer with diet.
Here is another 5.25-minute video from NutritionFacts.com on helping control cancer metastasis with nutrition.
Wise Use of Antibiotics
Here’s a 7.75-minute video by Dr. Mark Hyman on the wise use of antiobiotics.
Resources for Lesson 4: Respiratory Health
This is a scholarly article on the role of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables in respiratory health. (Alwarith, J. et al. 2020, “The role of nutrition in asthma prevention and treatment.” Nutrition Reviews;78(11):928-938). This is a long article with a lot of scientific jargon, so if you’re not used to reading this kind of research, simply scroll down to the CONCLUSION, and you’ll get the message of the article.
Hydration for Older Adults: How to Stay Hydrated for Better Health (article)
Here’s a 6-minute YouTube video from NutritionFacts on dietary recommendations to prevent asthma.
Here are two 3-minute YouTube videos from NutritionFacts on dietary recommendations to prevent and teat COPD:
Here’s a simple and short 8-minute video featuring the best vegetables for respiratory health.
Seasonal Allergies
Here’s an article suggesting how a whole-foods, plant-based diet may help with seasonal allergies.
Tobacco Cessation Programs
Many states and state universities offer local advice on programs to help smokers quit. Here is an sample article from the University of Florida offering various alternatives for help with smoking cessation.
Quit-assist is a website that offers many different options for stopping smoking and other habits.
Exercise Guidelines
Here are basic exercise guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Here’s a 118-page booklet on The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from the US Department of Health and Human Services. It’s worth scanning through to find the specific types of activities that might be best for you and your family.
Here’s an 18.5-minute TEDx talk discussing fitness motivation—(1) define fitness, (2) measure fitness and (3) reward fitness.
Here’s a 4.5-minute video from NutritionFacts.com on research regarding how much we should exercise.
Exercise and Hydration
Here is a short article with basic guidelines for staying properly hydrated during all types of exercise.
Here is an article from the National Council on Aging for helping seniors understand how to stay hydrated for better health.
Here’s an article with an infographic for helping children and their parents understand healthy hydration.
Resources for Lesson 5: Circulatory Health
Heart Disease
Here’s a four and a half-minute YouTube video from Dr. Michael Greger of NutritionFacts on “How not to Die from Heart Disease.”
Here’s an hour and seven-minute presentation by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, the author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) and Stroke
Here is an article discussing the dangers of high blood pressure and lifestyle changes to prevent and reverse high blood pressure and stroke risk.
Omega 3 to Omega 6 Ratio
How to overcome obstacles to a healthy lifestyle
Here is a nineteen-minute TEDx talk on the value of lifestyle habits in preventing and reversing cardiovascular and other degenerative diseases.
Here’s a thirty-six-minute YouTube video interview with Dr. Dean Ornish on the lifestyle habits that make the greatest difference in overcoming degenerative diseases.
Resources for Lesson 6: A Healthy Brain and Nervous System, Emotional and Mental Health
Here is an 8-minute video from NutritionFacts.org on a recommended diet for healthy aging, especially for preventing dementia.
The five-minute YouTube video gives you a quick overview of how the food you eat affects your brain and why a healthy brain thrives on whole plant foods.
Resources for Lesson 7: Bones, Joints & Muscles
Dr Greger WFPB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBOxmRnKjzo Dr Barnard article: https://www.pcrm.org/health-topics/arthritis
Rheumatoid Dr. Berry KETO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePg3V4iOBI4
Susan Blum, Healing Arthritis. Mark Hyman endorses. Mediterranean diet
Here is a 10-minute, 30-second video on the importance of high fiber plant foods for helping with rheumatoid arthritis.
Resources for Lesson 8: Healthy Hormones
Here is an hour-and-eleven-minute presentation by a nutritionally-oriented pain specialist discussing arthritis and joint challenges.
Healthy Diet for Children
A four-minute video explaining the Division of Responsibility approach to helping children developing healthy eating habits and a healthier relationship with healthy food. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95P45uEdsQM
Here’s an easy one-page PDF from the Ellyn Satter Institute to help with Division of Responsibility family training:
This will be on the website: As children get older, they may be able to prepare recipes by themselves. Here are a couple of fun children’s cookbooks: Eat Your Greens, Reds, Yellows and Purples.
The Help Yourself Cookbook for Kids
Dr. Neal Barnard has studied extensively how foods affect hormones and how making changes can help you. This hour-long lecture can help you recognize the symptoms suggesting hormone-related health challenges and what you can do about it. The lecture is titled “How Foods Affect Hormones.”
Resources for Lesson 9: Skin Care
This is an hour-and-twelve-minute YouTube interview with a nutrition-oriented dermatologist discussing many avenues of skin care and treatment including dietary changes.
Resources for Lesson 10: Weight Management
Here is a short 5.5-minute YouTube video by Dr. Michael Greger discussing how to master Weight Management by eating “ad libidum” (as much as you want) with plant-based nutrition. He has many other excellent videos on weight management and a best-selling book called How Not to Diet.
This 57-minute lecture by Dr. Joel Fuhrman gives you an overview of many aspects of nutrition and weight management. He also discusses how nutritional excellence can help with food addiction and emotional overeating.
Are you wondering about the best diet to prevent or treat diabetes? Here are some conflicting expert opinions for you to consider.
Here is an article suggesting that a whole-food, plant-based approach is superior to a keto diet for preventing and reversing insulin resistance.
Here is an article discussing the pros and cons of using a ketogenic diet for controlling and reversing insulin resistance and diabetes.
Here is an article from DietDoctor, a pro-low-carb group, describing how to control diabetes with a ketogenic diet.
30 minute YouTube video of “Reversing Diabetes with Diet by Dr. Gemma Newman.” She recommends a whole-food, plant-based approach to reversing diabetes. She has been interviewed on many other well-respected programs.
Here is a two-hour program with Dr. Gemma Newman on all the benefits of a plant-based diet with many health benefits. The title of the YouTube presentation is “Hormone Health on a Plant-Based Diet with Dr. Gemma Newman … Rich Roll Podcast.”
This is an 18-minute TED talk on using a low-carb ketogenic-type diet for diabetes. The title of the talk is: “Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines … Sarah Hallbert … TEDxPurdueU.”
Here is a short 8-minute YouTube video by Dr. Michael Greger titled “Does a Ketogenic Diet Help Diabetes or Make It Worse?”
Documentaries on Weight-loss Diets
Fat Fiction is arrated by Dr. Mark Hyman. This hour and forty-two-minute, low-carb diet documentary features the medical professionals promoting low-carb, the studies they cite and success stories they showcase.
This 56-minute Follow Me documentary features many stories of sustained weight-loss on a plant-strong, whole-food diet.
Weight Gain
If you are underweight and need to gain weight in a healthy way, here is an article that helps you increase your calorie intake with calorie-dense, but healthy foods.