In-Person Group

How It Works

Create or Join a Group

Gather together like-minded family members, friends or neighbors and download the Self-Reliance Guide from this website. Find a location, pick a time, decide who will be the facilitator and START!

Weekly Sessions

Meet with your group weekly for an hour and a half or two hours. Plan to spend from four to ten hours each week listening to videos while you prepare for the day, shop or cook dinner. Find and shop for tasty recipes and try them out.

Get Results and Celebrate

Find your starting point by having a check-up with your health care provider. Ask for lab tests, such as a blood chemistry panel, urinalysis, etc. At the end of your 12 weeks, arrange for an exam and lab results. Celebrate your improvements!

Nutrition & Lifestyle for Health & Self-Reliance

Your FREE Guide

Register here and download your FREE Self-Reliance Guide. Put together a group or join a group.


Online group